School Term Dates and Holidays Northern Ireland 2022/2023
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Get startedWhat every student and parent wants to know - when do the school holidays start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With our printable calendar you can easily keep track of when the school terms start and end in Northern Ireland for 2022/2023.
What every student and parent wants to know - when do the school holidays start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! With our printable calendar, you can easily keep track of when the school terms start and end in Northern Ireland for 2022/2023.
In Northern Irish schools, all schools have the same term dates and holidays- this makes things a whole lot easier for parents! The information below outlines the term dates and school holidays for 2022 and 2023 as published by the Department of Education in Northern Ireland.
Whilst parents and guardians can depend on the dates which are presented below for an overview of the general term dates and school holidays in Northern Ireland, we would recommend double-checking the school holidays and term dates of the school your child attends.
The term dates and school holidays in Northern Ireland for 2022/2023 are as follows:
School Term 1:
School begins 1st September and ends 28th October 2022
Autumn Half Term Holidays: 31st October - 1st November 2022
Begins again 2nd November and ends 21st December 2022
Christmas holiday: 22nd December 2022 - 3rd January 2023 (including Christmas and New Year’s Day)
School Term 2:
Begins 4th January and ends 15th February 2023
Mid-term break: 16th-17th February 2023
Begins again 20th February and ends 5th April 2023.
Public Holidays include: St. Patrick’s Day (17th March)
Easter holiday: 6th April - 14th April 2023 (including Good Friday and Easter Monday)
School Term 3:
Begins 17th April and ends 30th June 2023
Summer holidays: 3rd July-31 August 2023
Public Holidays include: May Day Bank Holiday (1st May) and Spring Bank Holiday (29 May)
Note: Adding on, individual schools in Northern Ireland can also take a number of staff training and school development days throughout the school year. On these certain days, pupils do not have to attend school. Because these extra days off are at the discretion of every school, the dates are likely to be different from school to school- thus it is best keep tabs for any school communication concerning upcoming training or development days at your child’s school.
Free 2022/2023 Printable Northern Irish School Term Dates and Holidays Calendar
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